1. Help Centre
  2. Star Health Clinic

I have a booking for a flu vaccine. Is there anything I need to do to prepare for my visit?

Please arrive 5 minutes prior to your appointment time.

To deliver this service safely to our customers we have implemented the following measures at our flu clinics:

If you are unwell, stay home, do not visit your pharmacy flu clinic:

If you have any COVID‐19 or flu like symptoms including fever, sore throat, cough or shortness of breath please do not present at our Flu Clinic for your flu vaccination. Please call the pharmacy to cancel and rebook for another time when you are well.

Hand hygiene and cough etiquette:

We encourage all staff and customers to practise good hand hygiene and cough etiquette at all times.  All flu clinics will have access to hand sanitiser for use by the immuniser between each vaccination and will be made available for customer use.

Booking times or Walk ins:

Please arrive 5 minutes early for your booking. If for any reason, you cannot attend your appointment please let the pharmacy know as soon as possible.


You will be required to remain in the pharmacy for 15 minutes post vaccination to be monitored. The person who gave you the vaccine has been trained to respond to immediate reactions.

Cleaning and disinfecting of our pharmacies: In addition to our usual cleaning procedures, we have added additional regular cleaning and disinfection of all hard surfaces in our pharmacies.